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Conscious Nomading is making the Earth your home.
No matter the 'country', no matter the culture... Earth is alive, and you participate directly with the Earth as if you are a part of it.
A Conscious Nomad is simultaneously a Caretaker of Earth.
If you are not ready to Shift Identity and become a Conscious Nomad, then when you are forced to 'hit the road', you become a Refugee, a victim of circumstances - circumstances which have made great efforts to upset your Linear Life Plan and set you on your Path.
You Were Born A Nomad...
You came in with nothing.
You travel around the world each and every day.
Then you leave with nothing but what you have become in your Being.
Look at your life. How long have you stayed in one place? We are all nomads.
Life is about Evolution. Evolution is movement along your Path. If you are moving along your Path, you are a Conscious Nomad.
It is a huge thing to downsize your life so that you are small enough to slip through the cracks in the material world. It is huge because whole other worlds open up to you, what you perceive is different, what you value is different. These worlds are not accessible if you are rooted, anchored, defended.
Downsizing involves Disidentification with physical objects, exiting social roles, refusing to source Projections, Expectations, Conclusions, escaping from Fantasy Worlds. All these and more are burdens that weigh you down into a specific physical place and energetic occupation. Without downsizing, all of your personal resources are used up simply staying in one place.
More importantly, the burdens you carry to keep you Non-Nomadic make you too large and cumbersome to fit through the Eye Of The Needle.
This website is an invitation to consider Conscious Nomading.
Unconscious Nomading is when you are forced to abandon your physical surroundings due to war, famine, social pressures, or collapse of your local infrastructure. In this case, you may feel like a Victim being terribly persecuted by forces beyond your control. Then you become a Refugee, a helpless burden to be taken care of by International Help organizations... or by no one at all.
Conscious Nomading is radically different. Conscious Nomading is a Life Of Practice, Experimenting, Discovering what it takes to live with nothing that you are not immediately using.
The richness comes from Serving by delivering your Nonmaterial Value.
When you become your Nonmaterial Value in action, you can go anywhere E.C.C.O. sends you because what you Create is needed by anyone on the Path.
It helps to Not Know, meaning to be Neutral, to not apply or Project Stories onto people, things, or situations. By naming and 'understanding' your environment, you are making it dead and safe for your Box to Survive in.
If you can refrain from forcing What Is to fit into your framework of understanding, you can keep it alive and useable, you can ongoingly relate with a world that is full of Possibility. Suddenly, you yourself become a gateway to Possibility.
Nonmaterial Value
Most Nomading currently happening in the world is 'Digital Nomading' where the Nomads create something of value for modern culture. Archiarchy Nomading delivers Nonmaterial Value.
For an Archiarchal Nomad to succeed at delivering their Nonmaterial Value, either in person on online, requires specific skills, initiations, healing processes, and thoughtware upgrades.
We can specify exactly what those skills, initiations, healing processes, and thoughtware upgrades are... but understanding what they are and having them 'under your belt', that is, usably integrated into your 5 Bodies, are two very different things.
Understanding is the booby-prize, in this case. Becoming your Nonmaterial Value in action, in service, will involve Legend Making, Building Your Circle, Creating Authentic Necessity, Going Nonlinear, and Going Unreasonable, all support you to Cavitate New Culture Space that provides what is wanted and needed to give birth to other Archans. These elements will all be chapters of your Archiarchal Nomading Journey.
Legend Making Tools
If while Nomading, you leave behind a trail of miracles, you open doors for future Nomads to be welcomed with generous hospitality.
Here are tiny tools and road gear for Legend Making...
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are always making Legends.
The question is, are you making Legends that serve a Conscious Purpose, or Legends the serve an Unconscious Purpose.
People see you, observe what you do and how you do it. They experience how you are being with them, with nature, with yourself.
And then they talk about you. Why? Because you are one of the most interesting things they see in their day.
There are many Possibilities for Legend Making as a Nomad.
Most of your valuable Legends come from what you give to other people, versus what you take from them.
The experiences that you create for others about themselves, about what is Possible, can last a lifetime.
People Notice the qualities of your Nomading, for example, your use of Radical Simplicity during interactions with the material world. What kinds of messes do you make or clean up?
Below we offer you some suggestions we have found useful for Legendary Nomading.
Fine Knife Sharpening Stone
PRACTICE: Leave knives sharper than when you found them!
NOTE: Stainless Steel knives become duller faster than knives made of carbon steel. Learn to tell the difference between the two metals. Hold the blade steady at 22.5 ° angle from the stone, so you do not leave scratch marks the side of the blade.
CAUTION: Practice sharpening your own knives before you try sharpening knives for other people. Learn to leave NO scratches on the sides of the knife blade. Soak your Sharpening Stone in water before starting to sharpen each time. Only touch the edge of the blade to the Sharpening Stone. Placing the Sharpening Stone on a damp cloth at the edge of the table helps keep the Sharpening Stone from sliding around.
Steel Wool Scrubbing Pad
Now and then rice or popcorn burn in a pot. No amount of soaking loosens the black spots.
PRACTICE: Previous users may leave burnt oil stains or flecks on stainless steel pots and pans. With this scrubber, burn marks come away quickly and easily, leaving the stainless steel shiny as new.
NOTE: Do NOT use on teflon or nonstick pans.
CAUTION: Aluminum pots and pans leave traces of aluminum in your food. Eating aluminum is reported to increase chances of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.
Glass Stove-Top Gummi Cleaner
Redeckers Rubbel is made in Germany to remove burned residue from glass-top cooking stoves. It is well-worth it to obtain a tiny block of this miracle substance.
PRACTICE: Leave glass-top cooking stoves clean and polished as you leave.
NOTE: Also works to clearn enamel and stainless steel surfaces or pots.
CAUTION: Rub firmly but gently in small circles on the glass. Take your time. If you use too much pressure you might scratch the glass. 'Slow and easy' is the recommendation. Freshly cleaned stove-tops sparkle like new!
Alan Wrench Set
PRACTICE: Tighten legs on tables and chairs, tighten door handles, tighten wiggly faucet handles, cabinets and drawers - anything held together in the Ikea style of construction.
NOTE: Before, you could carry these in your carry-ons. Recently some inspectors remove all tools from carry-ons, so you must keep Alan Wrenches in your check-in bag.
CAUTION: Do not over-tighten. If the screw you are tightening breaks, you will cause a bigger problem for yourself.
Stubby #2 Phillips Screwdriver
PRACTICE: Tighten frying pan handles and cooking pot handles. Adjust door hinges and latches so that doors can open and close.
NOTE: There are times when a small can of penetrting oil, such as WD-40, can stop squeaky door hinges and allow locks and door handles to move smoothly. We are not convinced that carrying a can of WD-40 around is worth the space, but it is not expensive. Now and then buying a can to use is not too much of a burden and can be of great service.
Polish Water Marks Off of Mirrors and Faucets
PRACTICE: If you use your towel to wipe away fingerprints and drops from faucet and mirrors on your way out the door, this helps remove your personal energy from the space. If you remove it yourself so, when the cleaning person comes in after you, they find no trace that you were there, then their burden is lightened. They might not clean your energy out of a space as well as you can. Leaving your energy in a space opens you more easily to energetic vampire. Better to wipe off your drops and fingerprints...
Recycle Any Teflon Frying Pans That You Find
PRACTICE: Watch the film Dark Waters starring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway about the toxicity of Teflon, something most people are not yet aware of. Then you will have reason to avoid using Teflon coated pans ever again in your life.
PRACTICE: Throw away or recycle all the aluminum / teflon pots and pans you find, no matter what condition they are in, and replace them with stainless steel, enamel coated steel, ceramic, or glass pots and pans. By this you prevent others after you from being possibly afflicted. This kind of Radical Action creates objective 'merit', brownie points, and smiley faces for your Karma.
Nomad's Tiny Jedi Toolkit
With a small carabiner and key rings you can clip numerous small but immensely handy gadgets to your belt loop. The collection of 'Jedi Tools' above includes a memory stick 'thumb drive' for carrying documents you need to the printer, a miniature Voice Blaster, a universal key to open handcuffs, ear plugs, miniature flashlight, another miniature flashlight, dental floss (a source of string... Terry Pratchett says that a true witch always carries a piece of string...), yet another flashlight..., a tiny pocket knife for opening avocados, mangos, and letters (if you ever receive a paper letter), and a polyethylene (HDPE) bottle of wooden stick matches and starter (cut off the side of a box of wooden matches).
PRACTICE: REFUSE TO USE disposable lighters no matter where. So many plastic BIC-style lighters wash down the streets into the oceans and end up choking sea creatures and baby albatross.
Enameled Steel Drinking Cup
Get yourself an enameled steel cup to carry around with you. These days they are readily available. They are lightweight and unbreakable. Any chips or dents that occur in the enamel only make your cup look cooler.
PRACTICE: Carry your cup everywhere. Any time you are offered water, juice, tea, coffee, or anything liquid or solid in a plastic cup or bowl, interfere with their familiar procedure and request that they put it in your life-long cup instead. We have been doing this for years saving so many plastic or paper cups, and have never been refused.
NOTE: Many so-called 'paper cups' are impregnated with plastic so that the paper can hold liquids! These paper cups are NOT compostable or burnable without releasing toxic nanoparticles of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBx) or dioxins into the environment.
Eating Kit with Chopsticks, Spoon and Napkin
Make your own chopsticks and wooden spoon out of non-toxic woods such as oak, pine, spruce, ash, alder, etc. The above chopsticks are made from apple tree wood, and rest on a shell as a chopstick holder.
PRACTICE: Use your own regenerative eating utensils rather than using plastic or even wooden 'disposable' eating utensils. (In a circular ecosystem such as on a planet, there is no place to throw something 'away', so nothing is disposable.) Carry your kit everywhere and be proud of your self-sufficiency, enjoying the pleasure of eating with self-made tools.
NOTE: The handkerchief is definitely a multi-use tool. It can be used as: potholder, sun scarf, sweat band, arm sling, bindle (hobo bag on a stick, in French called a 'baluchon'), and as a Red Cloth for helping you be Unhookable.
Titanium Eating Spork
This light-weight impervious little device is used equally for eating watermelon or cantaloup, digging holes in the ground, opening letters, or defending you from attackers. It is a combination spoon and fork (sp-ork).
Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle
PRACTICE: Carry this refillable stainless steel thermos bottle to have fresh cool or hot water with you. It keeps one liter of cool water cool, even in the sun.
NOTE: Its cap can be opened to store your Vitamin C tablets.
NOTE: The strap can be held on with a tie wrap you find on the street dropped by the cable TV guys stringing up wires around the neighborhood.
Clip-On Watch with Compass, Magnifying Lens and Flashlight
PRACTICE: Wear a watch.
NOTE: A Possibilitator is also Radically Responsible for time, something nearly impossible to be without wearing - on your physical body - a single-function device called a watch. A smartphone turns itself off and relocates itself to pockets, purses, and desks where it cannot be glanced at to tell you the time. Asking other people to tell you the time is trying to make them your slave. The only appropriate response to the question: "What time is it?" is, "Time for you to get your own watch."
NOTE: The photo shows a multifunction watch, a Hermann Jäckle Lobster Clasp Watch, featuring a compass, a flashlight, and a magnifying lens for reading microscopic ingredient labels, and strong enough for starting a fire from the sun.
Refillable or Recyclable Toothbrush
Imagine the mountain of plastic made with 8 billion people throwing away their toothbrushes every few months. It does not have to be that way. It is that way now because modern culture has been manipulated by corporations to have no laws against it. The more 'disposables' a company can sell, the more 'profit' it makes. Reality, however, does have laws. 'Disposables' are against that law. In health food shops you can find toothbrushes made of bamboo or wood and natural fiber that are completely compostable. You can also find refillable toothbrush handles. The refillable toothbrush handle shown in the photo above has been used by a Nomad since 2016. Refills can be procured online which fit into hollow head handles.
Ajona Stomaticum Concentrated Toothpaste
A standard tube of toothpaste is monstrous in size compared to the size of a nomad's toiletries kit. Here is an amazing solution: Ajona Stomaticum Concentrated Toothpaste. A drop the size of a lentil on your toothbrush will clean your mouth and polish your teeth. It is inexpensive and widely available. The tube is small enough to carry a spare, which makes you independent toothpastewise for a year!
Silk / Beeswax and Refillable Dental Floss
Possibilitators use dental floss as a Gremlin Detector. If you floss your teeth at night, you are in charge. If you do not floss at night, your Gremlin is in charge. But what do you use for floss? These days you can easily obtain silk and beeswax floss refills for a stainless steel lifetime dispenser. But for some folks, the silk is not strong enough to withstand flossing because their teeth are so close together or have rough surfaces. The silk breaks, leaving pieces of floss between the teeth - about as uncomfortable as a thing can be. In this case, a stronger synthetic fiber is needed, something like waxed nylon.
NOTE: Floss manufacturers have standardized their spindle dimenstions, so the floss dispensers can be refilled almost indefinitely. The floss cutter blade almost never wears out, and it too can be replaced. For example, the green plastic floss dispenser shown in the photo above has been re-used many times since 2016.
Nonplastic Handmade Comb
There are many subsitute materials for plastic when it comes to figuring out ways to comb your hair. This is a hand-made turtle shell comb made by a man in Madasgar. Eventually, a sea turtle dies and its shell washes up on the beach. This craftsman finds the shell and makes a hundred combs of various shapes and sizes out of it. Other materials could be stainless steel, hardwood, cow horn, or shell, although shell is too brittle to be practical. Drop the shell comb on a hard surface and it shatters. The easiest plastic to recycle is High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE). One Nomader says, "Once I had an HDPE comb and I loved it for years, but then it was stolen... so I got a shorter haircut and skipped the need for a comb."
Moon Cup / Diva Cup
A Nomadic woman says, "There is a substance in normal cotton tampons that can create toxic shock syndrome which can be lethal. In addition, standard tampons create noncompostable waste (ask any plumber who had to clean out toilet drain pipes stuffed with used tampons...). The pad are even worse because they are lined with plastic. Both tampons and pads are classified as single-use 'disposable'. In addition to this, tampons and pads are very expensive, taxed as luxury products. There are many different kinds of 'Moon Cups', designed by women to be comfortable, pain free, easy to use, clean, and store. You can even have sex while wearing them. When I first discovered Moon Cups in late 2010 I thought it was a revolution, but I soon found out the Diva Cup was first created in the 1950s but was taken out of production because businessmen were making so much money selling disposables. It took me three or four cups to find one that matched my anatomy. Now I am a free woman."
NOTE: Many brands are available now. The best material is silicon. They cost around $25 each, and last at least a decade.
Nuud Clay-Based Underarm Deoderant
After a few days without a shower, underarms can start to reek with a sharp, pungent, repulsive odor. If you search on '10 worst smells', one survey responder said, "My nextdoor neighbor." You know what I mean...
One Nomader tells the story, "My younger brother had rancid arm pits. One day I told him, so he raised his arms to show me what was going on. Orange rubbery crystals were clinging to his armpit hairs. He said he had tried everything to get rid of the stuff, shaving all his armpit hairs off, gasoline, alcohol, whatever he could think of. Nothing worked. Later that year, I had the same thing. The only thing I found to keep it away was daily application of Old Spice Classic deoderant stick, which came in a large red plastic container and disappeared quickly. One day my girlfriend convinced me to try her Nuud clay-based cream. The invasion vanished immediately and never came back. One pea-sized drop smeared under each arm after a shower lasts almost a week." Nuud comes in small, pink, bioplastic tube made from sugar cane. It contains mostly plant oils, zinc oxide, and silver.
Solid Bar Shampoo
A bottle of shampoo takes up a lot of space in a backpack or carry-on bag, plus they tend to pop open and leak everywhere in the most inopportune moments. An amazing alternative is Solid Bar Shampoo. You can find Bar Shampoo in natural health shops from various brands including Lush and Anihana. It contains no water so it is light, small, and long lasting. Unbelievably, brushing the bar only a few times across your head creates a foamy lather. You need to then dry out the bar, or have a small container dedicated to carrying the damp bar. Sometimes it might fit into your soap box with your soap, but not always. One Nomader man told us, "I stopped washing my hair with shampoo or soap five years ago. I wash it with water, that's all. Hair knows how to take care of itself if you let it." He has long, shiny, healthy looking black hair. He also walks barefoot most everywhere.
Stacked Hand and Bath Soap Bars
What do you do when your bar of soap is shrinking down to almost nothing? Throw it away? If you learn this Nomading soap stacking technique, you don't have to. With a little patience you can paste your wet shrinking soap bar on top of a fresh bar and throw nothing away. In the photo you can see that the rectangular bar has 5 layers of soap bars all stacked together for continued use and no waste. One Nomader told us, "I used to never buy soap. I would keep an eye out for leftover scraps of soap that other Nomads left on top of shower stall walls or in corners. I would put them all in my Tupperware soap box filled with water, let them soak overnight, and by morning I could pour off the water and mush the soap paste into a new bar of soap for me. After a while I realized two things. First, that other Nomads might not have the luxury of owning their own bar of soap and depend on finding leftover scraps to take a decent shower. Second, there is such a thing as energetic contamination. Building my soap out of a mix of other people's flaked-off skin was rather questionable. So now I buy new soap bars for myself. But my mixed bars sure were pretty!"
Miniature Folding Can Opener
So often you might land at an AirBnB or Hostel with your can of baked beans, ready to make a Bachelor's Brunch, only to find that there is no can opener in the kitchen drawer! It would be rediculous to carry around one of the standard 'twist' can openers with a handle. Here we show you a P-51 'John Wayne' army surplus pocket can opener that works perfectly. It is lightweight, foldable, inexpensive, and a lifesaver. The one shown in the photo above is the P-51. A smaller version called a P-38 also works. Some people say this can opener is the best thing the army ever invented.
Rechargeable Flashlight
One Nomad told us, "Out of all the flashlights I have ever owned, this one is the best! It has a powerful LED, is weatherproof, is not too expensive (around $27), it floats in water, can be used a long time between charges, and can be charged up either with the hand crank, or by plugging it into a USB port or a solar collector. It has a narrow beam with 40 meter range (210 lumens). It has 3 lighting modes to adapt to your needs (low, bright, flashing) plus it can be used as a USB power bank for emergency charging of 1150mA. Weighs 120 grams.
Multicountry Plug Converter
Perhaps you know the frustration of arriving in a new land and your plug won't fit into the wall socket... You will need an efficient multi-country plug adapter for your devices. There are many different designs. This format has served us for many years and adapts your device to most socket designs.
Cotton Net Carrying Bag
Every time a Nomad says, "No plastic bags," and pulls some kind of long-lasting compostable cotton or hemp tote bag out and fills it with their purchases in front of other customers at a grocery store check-out stand, it leaves an impression. How many impressions does it take before someone changes their behavior and starts to carry around their own bags rather than using 'free' plastic bags from the store? How many impressions did it take before you thought it was a good idea to bring in your own re-useable bags for shopping?
Laundry Soap Powder
If you empty out a plastic vitamin bottle this can serve you as an ideal container to carry around some laundry soap powder. The powdered version is preferable to liquid laundry soap because it is lighter and more concentrated when the extra water is removed. Plus, if it happens to leak out inside of your carry-on bag, it is much easier to clean up than the liquid variety. Only once has an airport security inspector taken our laundry soap away from us in the fear that it might be cocain or some kind of explosive powder... but the same guy also took away my small plastic Voice Blaster telling me it could be a laser weapon...
Multipurpose Rope
In addition to serving you as a lightweight and long-lasting laundry line, this sturdy nylon rope can carry up to 500 pounds (250 Kg) without breaking, and can be used for multiple purposes, as you can imagine. And if you have read the Tiffany Aching series of Disk World novels by Terry Pratchett (Matrix Code BOOK00173.00, BOOK00174.00, BOOK00175.00, BOOK00176.00, BOOK00177.00) then you would understand how carrying this rope around qualifies you to be a proper witch.
IMPORTANT: Please visit the 'Remedies' section of the Possibilica Cookbook website as it contains many valuable 'tricks of the trade' for successful and happy Nomading! (Not to mention some amazingly delicious and simple to prepare Possibilican recipes...)
Nomading Experiments
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- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code NOMADING.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!